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It's a Paradox

It's a Paradox. In Reality: everything is always the same, yet, changing. Again a Paradox. Well, it seems that way at least. Mind comes from "Manas" or man. The only real freedom we have is our submission, again Paradox. Why though? In this dream, we can not be slaves to our egos, our self. We all face adversity.We have been pressure cooked, and sometimes over done. It goes on though, no matter if we shout out at the roof tops sublime truths, or protest for our egos, still people will go on with their lives, with or without acknowledging Truth. That is the Truth, Subjective, yet dormant. Without God, Maya is our Master, with God, Maya comes under our control, and with God Alone, Maya is our Servant (if we need). But only until we are one with the Great Light of God, what we can hold onto forever no matter where we are, only then it becomes more of a show. Which is that Paradox again, is this real? or is it a dream? Then, who cares? but that's the Point right there, Why not? Like a Mandala, the key components remain eternal, and the design evolves down the Ages. Patience may be a mirage in the beginning of any large task, when objectives that require all our heart and soul, but, that Patience is paramount, so impatience shouldn't matter. With Time for God, we learn the greatest Idea we can conceive of Reality, what It Is or Is not, the rules that Govern this Universe (Angels), and how real heaven is. Those ideas really are,down to the simplest enjoyment, like not even stepping on an ant (out of our own home in its domain), perceiving God in both grandeur and simplicity, everywhere all the time, seeking His Genius until it is our own, then Life is Joy in God's Genius, and it is through such that we may serve God to our highest capacity. "Lord make me an instrument of thy peace." - St. Francis of Assisi. We can still retain our character once we reach that final end, but it does not stagnate there either. So long as we are always growing, why would people stop to care? Maya is an Illusion (with rules), learn them and we may operate within the domain of God's Wisdom, therefore this becomes fun, yet we can also carry our Empathy, but again, when this Reality loses it's Substance, then we may go on for the sake of other's. It is a choice to believe the Divine exist or not, and ultimately what we do about it, or not. Money is simply a tool, we: are it's master. The Raja Yogi's were enlightened and handled money and joy as Divine people. When we balance our own needs with also being aware that we can help people (sometimes a hello would do) then we can leave this world in peace and in honesty to our Self.

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