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I am a writer, poet, and artist. My focus is on Spirit, soul, and aspects of human nature.


Ed Sharrow is an author, a philosopher, and a meditation instructor. He graduated from Boston University with a degree in print journalism."


About Self-Realization Fellowship

“Self-realization is the knowing — in body, mind, and soul — that we are one with the omnipresence of God...”

— Paramahansa Yogananda


"For more than eighty-five years, Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) has been dedicated to carrying on the spiritual and humanitarian work of its founder,Paramahansa Yogananda, widely revered as the father of Yoga in the West.


SRF is a worldwide religious organization with international headquarters in Los Angeles. As expressed in the Aims and Ideals formulated by Paramahansa Yogananda, the society seeks to foster a spirit of greater understanding and goodwill among the diverse peoples and religions of our global family, and to help those of all cultures and nationalities to realize and express more fully in their lives the beauty, nobility, and divinity of the human spirit.


Paramahansa Yogananda founded Self-Realization Fellowship in 1920 to make available the universal teachings of Kriya Yoga, a sacred spiritual science originating millenniums ago in India. These nonsectarian teachings embody a complete philosophy and way of life for achieving all-round success and well-being, as well as methods of meditation for achieving life's ultimate goal — union of the soul with Spirit (God).


The teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda are made available, today as during his lifetime, through the printed Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons. This comprehensive home-study series — studied by many thousands of people all over the world — gives instruction in all the meditation techniques of the Kriya Yoga science, as well as in the many other aspects of balanced spiritual living taught by Yogananda.

Today, Self-Realization Fellowship has grown to include more than 500 temples and centers around the world and has members in over 175 countries. In India and surrounding countries, Paramahansa Yogananda's work is known as Yogoda Satsanga Society of India (YSS), which has more than 100 centers, retreats, and ashrams.


Sri Daya Mata, one of the earliest and closest disciples of Paramahansa Yogananda during his lifetime, was spiritual head and president of Self-Realization Fellowship/Yogoda Satsanga Society of India from 1955 until her passing in 2010. Sri Mrinalini Mata, another of Yogananda’s closest disciples, is the current spiritual head and president of SRF/YSS. Most SRF members are men and women with responsibilities to work and family, who learn through the Self-Realization teachings how to balance their active lives with meditation. In Yogananda’s teachings, they find guidance for spiritualizing marriage and family life, creating success and prosperity in business and professional endeavors, and contributing in a meaningful and serviceful way to their community, nation, and the world at large.

In accord with its founder’s wishes, the work of Self-Realization Fellowship is guided by the monastic order that Paramahansaji established along the lines of the ancient swami tradition of India. The monks and nuns of SRF (among whom there are still some who were with the Guru during his lifetime) take formal vows of renunciation; and are responsible for serving the spiritual needs of Self-Realization members and friends worldwide.


Among the many activities and services of Self-Realization Fellowship worldwide are:

  • Publishing the writings, lectures, and recorded talks of Paramahansa Yogananda and his monastic disciples

  • Operating retreatstemples, and meditation centers where people from all walks of life can come together in a spirit of community and fellowship

  • A quarterly magazine, Self-Realization, devoted to healing of body, mind, and soul

  • Spiritual training of monks and nuns in the SRF monastic communities

  • Conducting lecture tours and classes on Paramahansa Yogananda’s Kriya Yoga teachings, including an annual weeklongWorld Convocation

  • Programs on meditation and spiritual living for children and teens

  • Offering individual spiritual guidance by letter, telephone, and in person

  • Supporting various charitable relief and welfare activities around the world

  • Guiding the work of the Worldwide Prayer Circle, a network of groups and individuals dedicated to praying for those in need of physical, mental, or spiritual aid; and for world peace and harmony."


"The mysterious aloofness of her personality was totally beyond human understanding and yet it was so tempered by her compassionate love for all living creatures that she seemed closer than the most indulgent friend ever could be. She was the Teacher whose guidance was sought by the learned as well as the simple, the old and also children, people from alien cultures or from traditional backgrounds.

Although she travelled incessantly, it was seen that she was at home everywhere and no one was a stranger to her. Throughout the length and breadth of India and also beyond its shores people found her to be, as if the personification of their own inner vision of the Adored one who is most dear to their hearts.

In Dhaka where she first gained recognition, She was known as “Manush Kali”, that is, the ‘living Kali’. Kali is the presiding Deity of Bengal so that was quite understandable. When she moved out of Bengal and visited other provinces, her presence elicited the same type of response, even at her first appearance. On the shores of the Holy Narmada, she was greeted as “Devi Narmada”. In Madurai she was hailed as the Goddess Minakshi by surging crowds who waited hours for a glimpse of her. In the Punjab she was given the same place of honour as the Holy Granth Sahab. In Vrindavan, the much-respected Mahatma, Sri Haribabaji Maharaj saw in her his adored Deity, the Lord Gauranga. The Sindhi devotees of Sri Udiyababaji Maharaj paid her homage as the visible Form of their Deity Jhoolelal. One Muslim devotee used to a see a vision of her with a Taj on her head during his meditations. A Christian devotee remarked quite spontaneously “Now we have a Face to put on God”. The simple highland women of Almora would say to her, “Now that we have you with us, we do not need to visit the Temple”

One visitor, an Irish journalist frankly asked her, “Am I right to believe that you are God?” Sri Ma answered, “There is nothing save He alone; everyone and everything is but a form of God. In your person also He has come here to give darshana”. He persisted, “Why are you in this world?” “In this world?” Sri Ma answered, “I am not anywhere. I am myself reposing within myself’. During the same conversation the Irishman said, “I am a Christian:’ Sri Ma answered, “So am I, a Christian, a Muslim, anything you like”."

"Dr. Lewis - Accomplished Yogi, Devoted Disciple and Householder

Dr. Lewis was a very close disciple and friend to the great guru Paramahansa Yogananda. From the day Doctor met Master in Boston on Christmas Eve, 1920 (when he became the first American Kriyaban and was shown the spiritual eye and the thousand petal lotus), to his glorious passing on April 13, 1960, his life was that of an exemplary yogi disciple following faithfully in the steps of his guru.


Swami Yogananda lived in Doctor’s home for three years before embarking on his cross-continental tour that led him to California. When Master left, he asked Doctor to stay in Boston to lead the meditation group there and to continue to raise money to support his lecture tours in America – which Doctor obediently did even though he dearly wished to follow his guru. Master finally asked Doctor and Mama to move to Encinitas in 1945.


Doctor then began to lecture at the Encinitas and San Diego temples and was put in charge of the Encinitas Colony. After Master’s passing in 1952, Doctor became Self Realization Fellowship’s first Vice-President. He continued to lecture in Hollywood, Encinitas and San Diego, giving up to 7 lectures a week in addition to being in charge of the monks’ training in Encinitas and giving Kriya Initiations.


In spite of his very busy schedule, he always took time for meditation, taking one day of silent communion with God every week in his home in Borrego. Mrs. Lewis draped heavy black cloth over his meditation room so that the solar light would not diffuse the great spiritual light that he beheld.

His great yogic passing was witnessed by his wife, Mildred Lewis, and recorded in the book: Dr. M.W. Lewis: The Life Story of One of the Earliest American Disciples of Paramahansa Yogananda (published by SRF)."


"The Self-Revelation Church of Absolute Monism in the United States of America had its beginning in 1920. In that year Swami Yogananda Paramhansa came to Boston, Massachusetts, to represent India at the Congress of Religions. While in this country he formed numerous groups of followers. At Swami Yogananda’s suggestion, some of his followers in Washington, D.C., later invited one of the students at his school in Ranchi, India, to be their leader.

The young man, known then as Brahmachari Jotin, came in 1928 to organize the church. He was in complete charge of its spiritual and administrative activities for fifty years.

As the membership grew, rented quarters became inadequate. On October 23, 1938 the group met for the first time in the chapel that Brahmachari Jotin had built for them at 4748 Western Avenue, N.W., in Washington. The chapel had been built without any appeal for funds from the members. When the Golden Lotus Temple was completed in 1952, the chapel became the Church of the Children.

As Brahmachari Jotin became better known, he received an increasing number of invitations to speak in synagogues, seminaries, and Christian churches of practically all denominations. He was also in great demand as a speaker for business and civic organizations such as the Lions and Rotary Clubs. In 1941, Brahmachari Jotin was consecrated as a Swami by his Guru, Swami Yogananda Paramhansa, the Guru-Preceptor of the Church. He took the name of Swami Premananda, which means Love of Supreme Wisdom.

On November 23, 1952, the Golden Lotus Temple, which was designed and built by Swami Premananda, was consecrated. The cornerstone of the temple had been laid on May 17, 1952, by Renah Camalier, Grand Master of Masons of the District of Columbia, assisted by the officers of the Grand Lodge and witnessed by many members of the Masonic Fraternity and members of the congregation. It was the first time that a Grand Master of Masons had officiated at such a rite for a church of which a Swami of India was the minister.

Swami Premananda was a Thirty-Third Degree Mason; Knight Commander of the Court of Honor; Shriner of the Almas Temple, Wise Master of the Evangelist Chapter of Knights Rose-Croix, (1948-49) and a proficient ritualist in higher Masonic degrees, a Knight Templar, member of the Royal Order of Scotland, and Chaplain of the Benjamin B. French Lodge No. 15 of Washington, D.C. He is the only Swami ever to receive such distinction from any Masonic body."   


"Divine Life Church is a Baltimore spiritual community that honors all paths to God and the universality of the world's scriptures and spiritual traditions. These traditions include the mystical teachings of Jesus, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Judaism, and others. Joyfully following the path blazed by our founding minister Swami Shankarananda, our presiding minister Swami Nityananda, emphasizes our connection and oneness with all life, selfless service, meditation, Self-realization, and unconditional love. We are dedicated to applying these ideals in our everyday life and to promoting the progress of all beings – our global family. We offer a variety of services, Sunday school, classes, discussion and meditation groups. All are welcome."









Swami Atmananda




The Kriya Yoga Masters ( Guru’s)

The lineage of the original Kriya Yoga Teachers   

Kriya Yoga was developed by Mahavatar Babaji to a more specific and systematic  application.
In the 19th century Mahavatar Babaji called Lahiri Mahashaya to his Cave Ashram in the Dronagiri Mountains, near Ranikhet and kept him there for many days and passed on all the techniques of Kriya Yoga.
These techniques were then later taught by different  Masters in eight stages of higher Kriya Yoga, depending on the spiritual progress of the disciple/ student.

Lahiri Mahashaya was the greatest  Yogi of the 19th century.
He proved by his life as a family man and breadwinner, the compatibility of Kriya Yoga with material life and the associated social obligations .
His cosmic consciousness was completely free from the limitations of time and space.
The processes in the Kriya Yoga as taught by Him, prepare us gradually to be ready to unfold the divinity in ourselves, in a shorter time than usual.

Viewed from the spread of Kriya Yoga and the spread of the message of Kriya Yoga, Sri Yukteswar is among the most important disciples of Lahiri Mahashaya.
Sri Yukteswar, as an Indian scholar and Yogi, with extensive knowledge of astronomy and astrology,  has had a major influence on the development of the knowledge in this field.
Sri Yukteswar is also the author of the book “The holy science”. Sri Yukteswar has written this book on request of Babaji, who appeared before him on the Kumbha  Mela in Allahabad. Mahavatar Babaji asked Sri Yukteshwar to prove the uderlying unity of all religions. The book was published  in 1894.

Also Sri Yukteswar passes the knowledge of Kriya Yoga to many students of which his disciple Paramahansa Yogananda has become the most famous representative of Kriya Yoga.
After completing his Kriya Yoga and his university study, Yoganandaji left for the USA from there to spread the Kriya Yoga and the philosphy of Kriya Yoga worldwide.
Yoganandaji’s goal and mission was to spread the clear and certain, scientific techniques to realise the personal perception with God among all people from all countries/ nations.
His book “Autobiography of a Yogi” inspired millions of people and the book is a classic among spiritual literature. His legacy, the SRF organisation,  is still very active and vivid to continue the message of Paramahansa Yoganandaji and Kriya Yoga.

Swami Narayana and Swami Satyananda are also very well known disciples of Sri Yukteswar.

Swami Narayana Giri ( ”Prabhujee”) was Sri Yukteswar closest disciple and served his master for nearly two decades. Through his service he got the teachings of his Guru.
Swami Narayana Giri his life was dedicated to the service of Sri Yukteswar untill his last breath.  Swami Narayana initiated many disciples in the Kriya Yoga techniques.
He had a big Ashram with farm lands and a monastery school at Bhisindi Pur, West Bengal.

Swami Satyananda Giri was one of the foremost disciples of Sri Yukteswar.
Swami Satyananda had raised and runned a school at Ranchi; “Ranchi School”.
After having resided in several places all over India, he finally settled in West Bengal to serve the society there.
Swami Satyananda had many disciples. He was president of Yogoda Karar Ashram Puri and Ranchi school.

In this tradition is also the munk and neurologist Mahaswami Paramahansa Atmananda.
Sri Swami Atmananda Paramahansa ji was born in a highly religious, learned and wealthy family in Bhawanipatna, Odisha, India.
From a young age, he was taught in the religious rituals by his grand parents and parents, his mother often repeating prayers to the Divine Mother in his presence.
Devoted to God, Atmananda ji practiced Yoga from childhood, drawing inspiration from Advaita Guru Totapuri, Swami Sivananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda, Paramahansa Yogananda and other great Saints.
In his previous Ashrama and life as a householder, he was a highly qualified medical doctor.
Paramahansa Atmananda ji, previously known as Dr. S.S. Chand , is the Life Member of the Association of Physicians of India, Indian Medical Association, Indian Association of Occupational Health.
His specialization in Internal Medicine and Neurology, the science of the brain and nervous system, proved to be a great help in the understanding and teaching of Kriya Yoga as a scientific technique for Self and God Realization.
He became an authorized Yogacharya in 1973. Called to the service of God, he was initiated into Sanyasa in 1979 and has mastered all eight groups of Kriya Yoga, to the stage of Samadhi.
With the blessings of Babaji Maharaj and Lahiri Mahashaya, Swami Atmananda attained the Paramahansa state of Divine Realization in 1997.
He is training many Kriya Yogis and Yogacharyas in their Sadhana and teaching and has helped many of them to establish themselves and do spiritual work at centers and organizations all over the world.
He is also training industrial executives and managers in Stress Management. He is well versed in Yoga scriptures, Vedas, Vedanta and the Bhagavad Gita. He has a deep understanding of them.

Paramahansa Atmananda ji tours India, Indonesia, Europe, South America, USA, Canada and Hong Kong, teaching and practicing Kriya Yoga and Practical Spirituality.
He is the Lifetime Chairman of Kriya Yoga Dhyana Kendra, Rourkela, Bhawanipatna, Mohangiri, Dharmagarh and Deobogh.
He has also many other Kriya Yoga Ashrams and Centers in India, Indonesia, Europe, North America and Hong Kong.

According to Paramhansa Atmananda ji,  ` Life is to be lived healthily, positively, happily, lovingly, helpingly and harmoniously. Improve the quality of life by practicing Kriya Yoga daily, the sooner in life the better. You are never alone, God is always with you and He is the ultimate help`.

There are eight groups of higher Kriya Yoga. Mahaswamiji  Paramahansa Atmananda teaches all these techniques  to suitable students of Kriya Yoga and spirituality in stages, depending on the students progress and perceptions. 



Buddha Bose was born in 1913, in Sri Lanka, while his British father and English mother traveled from London to Calcutta. His mother would only stay in India for 5 years before returning to London, leaving young Buddha behind. He grew up in the Garpar area of Calcutta, a block from the Ghosh home where Yogananda and Bishnu lived. 

Bishnu Ghosh referred to Buddha Bose as his nephew and Buddha called Bishnu “Babu” or uncle. In 1929, when he was 16, Buddha began his serious physical training under Bishnu. Buddha is featured in Bishnu Ghosh’s 1930 book, Muscle Control, exhibiting the stomach control movements and difficult variations of nauli and uddiyana bandha. In 1931, Buddha wrote a letter to his brother Dennis in London, saying that he was entirely focused on developing his capacity under Bishnu Ghosh. 

A few years thereafter but before 1935, they began their focus on developing a full system of yoga. The story goes that while out traveling India by car and performing muscle control at an exhibition, Buddha pointed to person doing yoga and said, “That’s India’s physical system” and Bishnu replied, “You want to learn yoga?” 

Bishnu had learned the traditional seated postures and Yogoda at the Yogananda school in Ranchi when he was young, and Buddha was able to pick up more from Kuvalayananda's Yoga Mimamsa publication. Their method also involved going into the hermitages and seeking out yogic methods from the villages. The extensive study by Buddha and Bishnu into the yogic system led to their touring India with Yogananda in 1935-36, and then Europe and America in 1938-1939. 

After touring in Germany and London they went to the US, where they performed demonstrations with lectures in Universities along the east coast. They then went to Los Angeles and stayed with Yogananda, performing and teaching asanas and pranayamas to the westerners at the ashrams. 

In 1938, prior to their leaving Calcutta, Buddha wrote the preface and completed 95% of the instructions to include with the asanas. Upon arrival in London, in 1939, he performed before the camera the extended series of asanas that had been perfected over the previous years, which included 96 photos. This collection, of 84 asanas and 10 mudras, was never published in its entirely. Instead, a beginner's manual of 24 asanas was published later in 1939, when he returned to Calcutta.

This then, from the 1930’s to the early 1940’s, was the ‘golden period’ of the asana practice of Bishnu Ghosh and Buddha Bose. This 1938 collection captures the moment of when the full system of yoga was developed. They moved it beyond the traditional padmasana postures to include asanas while standing, lying down, and seated, in addition to the mudra practices. 

The duo lived together for decades at the Ghosh Yoga College on Rammohan Road. Buddha Bose married Ghosh's eldest daughter. The Ghosh family lived on the 3rd floor, and the Bose family on the second floor, from the 1930’s until the demise of Bishnu Ghosh in 1970. 

CHANGE - THE 1940s
After they returned to India, in 1940, things rapidly changed, with tumultuous personal and societal events which altered the focus of their yogic system. Their attention shifted from personal development along the spiritual path, to a more therapeutic focused system that served the people’s needs. In fact, that is why the entire album was never published. At the time, with the Bengal famine, World War II, and an Independence movement in India, the advanced practice was not seen as serving more than 1% of the population. 

This 1938 collection, which he had dedicated to his Uncle Edward in England, was in London, with Buddha’s British family, until it was sold in the late 1980’s, and wound up in an estate sale in San Francisco. It has been with a 1930’s period art collector since that time. While in London, for 50 years, a couple of small girls had flipped through the pages, attempting to mimic the shapes of "Uncle Buddha.” Luckily, the photos have had covers on them through the years, and are still mostly in pristine condition. 

Currently in the west, where most of what is practiced and taught is derived from Bikram’s beginning system of 26 postures, there are countless people that want a look into this yoga from a historical and advanced perspective, which the Buddha Bose book offers.

The reader will find that the instruction is keen on developing a personal practice. It isn't as focused on doing 84 asanas as much as it is on perfecting a few of them, and then adding more difficult ones once mastery is achieved. The progression includes a focus on increasing duration and repetitions of a single asana rather than doing a multitude of asanas in rapid succession. 

Ghosh and Bose's system seeks to increase the oscillation between holding an asana for a longer duration, followed by complete rest in savasana for a longer duration. For instance, in one asana, Bhujangasansa (Cobra), the directions are to hold the asana for 30 seconds, then rest in savasana for 30 seconds, repeating this five times. When mastered, the student moves to 1 minute of holding the asana, and 1 minute of savasana; and over time, increasing the duration to 3 minutes of holding the asana. 

For those in the west who have been diligently practicing a single system of 26 asanas in generated heat for years, Ghosh and Bose's system encourages us to ask ourselves: are we ready to move beyond being a beginner? A system of prolonged holding of asana and extended savasana moves us toward practicing the advanced directions laid out by Bose and Ghosh.

Through a highly successful kickstarter campaign, 84 Yoga Asanas by Buddha Bose will be published in a limited quantity. It will include professional photographic reproductions of Buddha Bose's original photos alongside his instructions in high quality book format. It will be a very limited, and most likely one-time publication."



1. Sukhasana
2. Samasana
3. Swastikasana
4. Kshemasana
5. Gokilasana 
6. Ardha Padmasana
7. Padmasana
8. Karmasukhasana
9. Utthita Padmasana
10. Tolangulasana
11. Matsyasana
12. Parbatasana
13. Baddha Padmasana
14. Kukkutasana (1st phase)
15. Kukkutasana (2nd phase)
16. Garvasana (1st phase)
17. Garvasana (2nd phase)

18. Pavanamuktasana (sitting)
19. Vajrasana
20. Padangusthasana (1st phase)
21. Supta Vajrasana
22. Ardha Kurmasana
23. Sasangasana
24. Janusirasana
25. Gomukhasana
26. Paschimottanasana (1st phase)
27. Paschimottanasana (2nd phase)
28. Mandukasana
29. Bhadrasana
30. Hastasana
31. Ashtavakrasana
32. Akarshana Dhanurasana
33. Hasta Chaturkonasana
34. Pranasana
35. Viparita Ardha Matsyendrasana
36. Ardha Matsyendrasana
37. Matsyendrasana
38. Hamsasana
39. Mayurasana (1st phase)
40. Mayurasana (2nd phase)

41. Savasana (Mritasana) 
42. Eka Pada Pavanamuktasana
43. Pavanamuktasana (lying)
44. Uttana Padasana
45. Advasana
46. Makarsana
47. Bhujangasana
48. Salabhasana (1st phase)
49. Salabhasana (2nd phase)
50. Dhanurasana
51. Ushtrasana
52. Halasana
53. Karnapitasana
54. Sarvangasana (1st phase) 
55. Sarvangasana (2nd phase)
56. Sarvangasana (3rd phase)

57. Tadasana
58. Utkatasana
59. Padangusthasana (2nd phase)
60. Pada Hastasana (1st phase)
61. Ardha Chandrasana (1st phase)
62. Ardha Chandrasana (2nd phase)
63. Virabhadrasana
64. Garudasana (1st phase)
65. Garudasana (2nd phase)
66. Trikonasana
67. Ardha Padasana
68. Tuladandasana
69. Pada Hastasana (2nd phase)
70. Chakrasana
71. Janusirasana (standing)
72. Ekapadangusthasana
73. Vatayanasana
74. Sirsasana (1st phase)
75. Sirsasana (2nd phase)
76. Sirsasana (3rd phase)
77. Baghrasana
78. Hasta Vriksasana
79. Vrichikasana

80. Eka Pada Sirsasana
81. Kurmasana (1st phase)
82. Kurmasana (2nd phase)
83. Yoga Nidrasana
84. Utthita Kurmasana

1. Viparita Karani Mudra
2. Mahamudra
3. Yoga Mudra
4. Uddiyana Bandha (1st phase)
5. Uddiyana Bandha (2nd phase)
6. Uddiyana Bandha (3rd phase)
7. Nauli (1st phase)
8. Nauli (2nd phase)
9. Uddiyana and Nauli together
10. Mula-Jalandhara-Uddiyana Bandha




"Historical Background

FounderOn the south-eastern sea-coast of India, in the state of Orissa, lies the holy land of Puri -— the abode of the Lord of Universe -— Jagannath. One among the 4 ‘Dhams’ or holy centers of pilgrimage of Hindus, Puri has attracted numerous saints, seers and savants from time immemorial. Inestimable is the number of souls that have trod upon its holy sands and have been blessed and felt uplifted in its spiritual ambience. The waves of the majestic Bay of Bengal washing its shores, the numerous monasteries and other holy places located amidst its thousands of by-lanes, the multitude of the divinely intoxicated devotees dancing in spiritual ecstasy in the world famous Car Festival -- the ‘Rath Yatra’, and above all, the glorious and lofty abode of the Lord himself standing tall over all humanity -- all these add unimaginable spirituality to Puri.

To such sacred land was attracted Priyanath Karar -– the famous Karar Swami of Serampore of Bengal and the foremost monastic disciple of Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahasaya, the father of Kriya Yoga. Karar Swami first came to Puri via the sea route in the last part of the 19th Century with the intent of meeting the famous Oriya astronomer, Samanta Chandrasekhar and to discuss certain astronomical points with him but could not meet him. Destiny ruled otherwise as by the time Karar Swami returned to Puri again in 1903, the famous astronomer had already shed his mortal coil.

There was however a higher purpose behind Karar Swami’s visit to Orissa. As he sat in a contemplative mood on a sandy mound facing the sea one day, he was soon lost in deep meditation almost naturally. The highly realized soul that he was, Karar Swami could immediately experience the extremely potent spiritual vibrations emanating from the place. It was indeed a place charged with spirituality. He decided then and there to build an ashram at the very spot. With the help of a few locals, he built a hut over the sandy plot of land and thus was born the now famous KARAR ASHRAM.

Karar Swami chose the day of the Vernal Equinox -— March the 22nd 1903 as the foundation day of the Ashram. In 1906, he obtained permanent lease of the land from the Puri Municipality. Subsequently, Karar Swami having entered the monastic order, was christened, Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri. Ever since, Karar Ashram has been one of the most important centers for dissemination of the original Kriya Yoga techniques of Mahavatar Babaji and Shyamacharan Lahiri."


"Kriya Yoga Institute was founded by Paramahamsa Hariharananda in 1997 in Homestead, Florida, USA. It serves as the Mother Center for Kriya Yoga centers and groups throughout North and South America, Australia, and New Zealand, providing support for activities and programs worldwide. It is a beautiful monastery on five acres that were transformed into lush gardens through the divine energy of Paramahamsa Hariharananda.

It was the wish of Paramahamsa Hariharananda that a special place be established on the shores he first visited in 1974..."


"David Frawley (or Vāmadeva Śāstrī वामदेव शास्त्री), born 1950, is an American Hindu teacher (acharya) and author, who has written more than thirty books on topics such as the VedasHinduism (Sanatana Dharma), YogaAyurveda and Vedic astrology, published both in India and in the United States. He is the founder and director of the American Institute of Vedic Studies in Santa FeNew Mexico, which offers educational information on Yoga philosophy, Ayurveda, and Vedic astrology.

His wife Yogini Shambhavi Chopra joins him in his teachings. He is a frequent contributor to the magazine Hinduism Today. He is associated with a number of Vedic and yogic organizations in several countries. He is a Vedic teacher (Vedacharya), Vaidya (Ayurvedic doctor), and a Jyotishi (Vedic astrologer). Frawley has been repeatedly recognized[by whom?] as a noted spiritual teacher, especially of Yoga.

In 2015, he was honored by the President of India with the Padma Bhushan, the third highest civilian award granted by the government of India for "distinguished service of a high order to the nation."

"Sree Sree Maa took this birth on the wishes of Sri Sri Nanga Baba, whom she refers to as her `eternal divine father'. Sri Sri Nanga Baba is revered in spiritual circles as the head of Vyaspeeth Ashram of the Himalayas. He and Mahavatar Babaji Maharaj work closely in the universal spiritual mission of descent of divine avatars. During her early childhood Sree Sree Maa received the blessings of the great saint Bhagwan Kishori Mohan Bandyopadhyay and his devotee Sannyasini Mata. Sannyasini Mata was a disciple of Swami Pranabananda Giri Maharaj who in turn was a direct disciple of Yogiraj Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahashay. Bhagwan Kishori Mohan was a divine avatar who was requested by Pranabananda Giri Maharaj to take the seat of Sadguru after his passing away. Sree Sree Maa was also blessed by the saint Sadhu Sitaram Baba of Hazaribagh in her childhood. During her early teens she received spiritual guidance from a divine personality, whom she later recognized as the peerless Mahavatar Babaji Maharaj, the guru of Sri Sri Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahashay. Later she came into contact with Sri Sachchidananda Paramhansa, the beloved disciple of Sri Sri Nanga Baba. Sri Sachchidananda Paramhansa, whom we refer to as Sri Sri Baba, spent twenty-eight years in the Himalayas to become a fully realized yogi, primarily through the path of Hatha Yoga, under the guidance of Sri Sri Nanga Baba. Later, on the personal request of Mahavatar Babaji Maharaj, Sri Sri Nanga Baba sent Sri Sri Baba to the plains for the continuation of the Kriya Yoga lineage. Sri Sri Baba was initiated into Kriya Yoga by the great yogi, Sri Nitaicharan Bandyopadhyay, who was a disciple of Sri Panchanan Bhattacharyya Mahashay. Panchanan Baba was a direct disciple of Yogiraj Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahashay. Sri Sri Baba also completed many other forms of sadhana including Shakti sadhana and Bhakti sadhana during his stay in the plains from accomplished masters like Sri Tarapada Bachaspati Mahashay and other reclusive saints. Shortly after their first meeting Sri Sri Baba initiated Sree Sree Maa in Kriya Yoga. Other than Sri Sri Baba, Sri Sri Nanga Baba and Mahavatar Babaji Maharaj, Sree Sree Maa has also been guided in her sadhana by realized yogi saints like Sri Sumerudas Baba. Later, Sri Sri Baba, with the consent of Sri Sri Nanga Baba and Mahavatar Babaji Maharaj, asked her to become a Sadguru and impart the divine science of Kriya Yoga to others. Sri Sri Nanga Baba and Mahavatar Babaji Maharaj themselves performed her formal divine anointment or `avisheka' as Sadguru in Vyaspeeth in the august presence of other saints. Sree Sree Maa imparts spiritual initiation only on her own accord and with the consent of the great gurus. We are fortunate to be her blessed children and part of an illustrious spiritual lineage."

"Yogananda Site is a lay devotee site about Paramahansa Yogananda and his teachings; the Gurus and their roles in the SRF/YSS lineage; the roles and importance of Yogananda’s organization Self-Realization Fellowship/Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, his SRF/YSS Monastic Order and his inner circle of disciples; the truth about controversies relevant to Yogananda and his organization; talk quotes from SRF/YSS monastics.  This site is not an official site of  SRF/YSS."






“Dear Master (Sri Yukteswar), why do you want me (Paramhansa Yogananda) to wear an astrological bangle?”

“It is only when a traveler has reached his goal that he is justified in discarding his maps. During the journey, he takes advantage of any convenient short cut. The ancient rishis discovered many ways to curtail the period of man’s exile in delusion. There are certain mechanical features in the law of karma which can be skillfully adjusted by the fingers of wisdom.


“All human ills arise from some transgression of universal law. The scriptures point out that man must satisfy the laws of nature, while not discrediting the divine omnipotence. He should say: ‘Lord, I trust in Thee, and know Thou canst help me, but I too will do my best to undo any wrong I have done.’ By a number of means — by prayer, by will power, by yoga meditation, by consultation with saints, by use of astrological bangles — the adverse effects of past wrongs can be minimized or nullified.


“Just as a house can be fitted with a copper rod to absorb the shock of lightning, so the bodily temple can be benefited by various protective measures. Ages ago our yogis discovered that pure metals emit an astral light which is powerfully counteractive to negative pulls of the planets. Subtle electrical and magnetic radiations are constantly circulating in the universe; when a man’s body is being aided, he does not know it; when it is being disintegrated, he is still in ignorance. Can he do anything about it?



Born in Colorado on June 21, 1906, Mary Isabelle Buchanan was first called by the name Kamala by the renowned Indian yogi, Swami Yogananda, at their very first meeting in 1925, when she was only 19 years old. From that moment until her passing on November 29, 1997 at the age of 91, Kamala was a devoted and much-loved disciple of the great yoga master and his teachings.


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