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The Rise and Fall of Human Consciousness


By Ed Sharrow


"Celestial cycles determine the rise and fall of human consciousness. Earth travels through four distinct ages of that directly impact human abilities and the functions of the brain. These universal ages are determined by the position of the earth measured against a band of twelve constellations in the night sky. Humanity can benefit by understanding these ages and by maximizing the current period. For any student who has wondered about why ancient civilizations developed highly accurate measurements for the movements of the stars, or why there is evidence of civilizations more advanced than those currently on earth, understanding these ages provides one explanation. For simplicity, the four ages will be called the Iron Age, the Bronze Age, the Silver Age, and the Golden Age.


The earth is part of a solar system. The planets in earth’s solar system all orbit our sun. The entire solar system travels on an elliptical path through the Milky Way Galaxy. Though modern astrophysicists are still debating some components of this theory, every ancient civilization understood this movement as fact. More advanced civilizations than our own in earth’s distant past built lasting stone monuments to celebrate celestial movements. The monuments served a secondary goal to communicate insights to future generations. The current period impacting human consciousness is determined by observing the precession of the equinoxes. On the equinox, when the daytime and night are evenly divided, ancient astronomers drew a line from the South Pole through the North Pole and looked at where this line pointed in the night sky. Using this method twice a year, these star gazers were able to determine where the earth and our solar system was positioned in a 24,000 year elliptical trip through our galaxy.

In 498 A.D., the autumnal equinox was at 0° Libra which is the lowest or most ignorant point of the Iron Age. At approximately, 1700 A.D. the earth entered the ascending Bronze Age. After a couple of centuries of transition, the progressive Bronze Age has become firmly established and will continue for more than another 2,000 years. Let’s consider the differences in human consciousness between these two less-developed ages, the Iron Age and the Bronze Age, to gain insight into our current turmoil in mass consciousness.

In the Iron Age, earth is populated with an animalistic form of humanity who is blinded by materialism. The ancients called this the “Age of the Atom” because humankind could not understand anything that was not physically manifest. During this previous age, though humanity has fully formed brains, the location of the earth in relation to significant galactic influences prevented the average human from using more than one-quarter of the brain’s capabilities. The negative influence of the stars could only be overcome by significant self-effort. Those who were above the base influences of the time became the leaders and great thinkers of each generation.

In the Bronze Age, human consciousness progresses until the common person uses about half of the potential of their brain and nervous system. Science, using PET scan (brain scan) studies, has begun to prove the phenomena of different humans using more of their brain capacity than others . While most PET based studies have focused on comatose patients or brain illnesses, as the mass of research data is studied in aggregate, it is becoming more apparent that some humans (Iron Age individuals who are still present) use less of their brain matter than others (Bronze Age individuals). The position of the earth within the galaxy directly impacts how much brain power the average human is able to use. As mentioned previously, in the Iron Age people use about 25%, Bronze Age 50%, this increases to 75% brain use during the Silver Age, and finally the average person uses 100% of their brain’s potential during the Golden Age.


The Bronze Age has been defined by the ancients as the age of “electricity”. While science is in the early stages of discovering the attributes of electricity, the ancients left basic information for us to consider. There are five forms of electricity and each is primarily responsible for powering one of the senses. Together the five electricities create the illusion of space in the “reality” of creation. These electricities correspond to the five senses and each has three separate manifestations, known as qualities or attributes.

The three qualities of each electricity are positive, negative, and neutral. We’ll call these qualities, “attributes” of manifestation.

The positive attributes are the instruments of sense. The neutralizing attributes are five abilities associated with each sense power. The negative attributes are the objects of the senses. The interplay of positive, negative and neutral attributes on the pure idea of “sense” create a material “reality” of illusions that “have been.” In other words, the experiences that most consider to be unfolding in the present are actually past events. You can prove the “past” nature of the average life by considering that there is a millisecond between the occurrence of any sense, for example the touch on your fingertips, and the time it is registered in your brain.

Sense perception always registers a past event because you cannot sense something which has not yet to come into physical existence. Once an object has manifested (call this the “event”), it immediately changes, subtly or perceptibly. The senses are left to report to the mind an event that has already happened. The mind interprets what has happened from the data received from the senses. So, a human living strictly according to the physical sense perceptions is a human essentially conscious of the past.

Iron Age individuals are only conscious of the past. In this Bronze Age, more humans learn how to make the choice to live in the present. The human who learns to live according to his intuition, or direct perception of reality, without the aid of the senses, is a person who only lives in the present. Sense perceptions do not disappear for the person living in the present any more than the tools of a craft disappear for the tradesperson. Humans are the trade professionals of making creation a “reality”.

To encourage scientific study and to inspire human progress, an overview of the senses and their attributes should be considered. Following are the basic attributes of each of the five, sense-empowering electricities. The brief explanations come from our ancient ancestors who have passed the knowledge down through multiple methods. The most common way of transmitting knowledge has been through disciples who verbally preserved the ideas for future generations like our own. The attributes related to each sense include:

HEARING: The sense of hearing is the positive attribute. The neutral attribute of this electricity is articulation and speech. The negative attribute is the sense object, which is sound. The primary illusion created by this sense is traditionally called Ether, but the closest discovery by today’s scientists is the acknowledgement of “plasma” in space. The substance, either “ether” or “space plasma” fills the nothingness previously considered to be an empty vacuum. Ether is also the conductor of both light and sound. The “hearing electricity” is represented by a circle enclosing many dots, suggestive of atomic movement.

TOUCH: Next comes the sense power of touch. The neutral attribute of touch is movement. The object, or negative attribute of touch is the tactual illusion. The “touch electricity” creates the material illusion of air and gases. It is represented by circular motion, such as whirlpools.

SIGHT: Sight is the positive manifestation of the next form of electricity. The neutral attribute is “generation” of imagery. The objects of the sense of sight are form and color. The “sight electricity” creates the material illusion of energy, such as fire. It has been traditionally drawn in a conical form or as a flame.

TASTE: Taste brings the neutral illusion of absorption and the negative illusion of both specific tastes and fluidity. The “taste electricity” creates the illusion of fluids. The taste electricity is illustrated by the semi-circle and the ocean waves.

SMELL: With the positive sense of smell, the neutral illusion of the power of excretion or elimination is created. The sense object of smell is odor. The “smell electricity” creates the illusion of solids and has been traditionally represented by angular particles.


For the next 2200 years, great minds will distill the practical essence from each of the five electricities and develop technologies that “collapse space”. Cell phones are a good example of how technology removes one of the former barriers of distance. The related brain development to telecommunications will be an increase in human telepathy in the coming generations. As usage of the brain increases amongst the general population, humankind overall will be able to understand and apply these concepts.

In summary, there are four distinct ages of the earth determined by measuring the position of our solar system within the Milky Way Galaxy. The four ages are Golden, Silver, Bronze and Iron. Humankind is currently in the ascending Bronze Age. During the 2,400 year period of the progressive Bronze Age, humans gain control over the five sense-related electricities that create the illusion of separation, or the belief that there is a distance between the things of creation. By understanding the basics of what is occurring, more humans may embrace the rapid changes of this period. Changes in the brain’s capabilities and in the general consciousness of the masses is directly caused by the influence of the stars."

For more reading from Ed Sharrow on The Yugas click the following link. 

Are You Evolved? An Introduction to

the Four Stages of Human Evolution

By Ed Sharrow

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